What microphone and peripherals do you use?

I use a Gonzo Audio XL251, a Dutch-made tube microphone based on the ELA 251, a sibling of the Neuman U47 and U67. This is connected to a Cranborne Audio Camden pre-amp in an IGS Panzer rack. For AD conversion, I use a Lynx Hilo or a BURL B2 Bomber via a Dante network with an RME Digiface Dante as an interface. Monitoring is done via the DA conversion of the Lynx Hilo to a Cranesong Avocet II and then via a Bryston 4B sst2 amp to my beloved PMC MB2S.

In terms of software, I sometimes work in Pro Tools (Ultimate), but mostly in Nuendo.

See also the Studio page.

My grandma says I have a beautiful voice, can you teach me the trade?Where are your rates listed?